To Juice or Not to Juice


Hands down I say, JUICE! I count juicing as the #1 thing I've done to increase my health! #1!  That's one big compliment to juice! I've lead hundreds of people through successful juice cleanses and seen the results duplicated over and over again. At this point almost every one of my family members has purchased a juicer and have green juice on the menu daily or weekly.


Everyday Health's Guide to Common Cleanse suggests using:

'Juicing as a Meal Replacement

For a less-extreme cleanse, consider occasionally replacing a meal with fresh vegetable or fruit juice. “In moderation, or as an alternative to eating fruits and veggies, this can be a great way to supplement your meals and snacks,” Jantz says. “Juicing is a great way to concentrate the phytochemicals and nutrients found in veggies and fruits.” When you do it on your own at home, it’s also a lot less expensive than a prebottled system.'


I totally agree!  Juicing as meal replacement is how I maintain my green juice love affair.  I have a green juice for breakfast (almost) everyday. Invest in a juicer and then juice at home. That way you control what goes into your juice, the quality of the ingredients and when you consume it.  Always go organic when you can and the sooner you drink the juice the better.

My little sister has a lot to say about juicing too:

Hi, my name is Kayla and I’m a juicing addict! Seriously though, the love affair with me and juice has been fast and furious. Even though my big sister is the health coach and all-out juice nut, it was actually my little sister that coaxed me into that first sip of liquefied greens.

It was November of this past year, and I was in the first trimester of my pregnancy, miserably sick, and seriously lacking in nutrition because of the nausea and food aversions. My little sis had been living with friends who were also into juicing, and she brought over a nutrient-packed green juice to help put a little pep back in my step.  Unbeknownst to me, I was about to find a new, easy, delicious way to eat my veggies, and unbeknownst to her, I wasn’t just sick...she was about to discover that she’d soon be an Aunt!

I didn’t get my first juicer until that Christmas, but serendipitously a new juicing bar called The Juice Spot had just opened near my husband’s work. Squeamish about anything green his whole life, he reluctantly gave green juice a try at my urging but with a few extra pears to start. Before you knew it, we were both hooked and loving the natural “high” we felt after drinking our juice.

It’s only been 6 months of juicing, and we’ve already upgraded from our original Juiceman Junior to a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer. We’re still die hard green juice fans, but we’ve been experimenting with adding new ingredients like jalapenos, carrots and ginger.

Our daughter can’t get enough of our healthy habit as well. Even though she’s still en utero (I’m now 7 months pregnant), I can already tell how much she loves her greens by her frenetic happy kicks after I gulp down a glass. She’s never more active than she is right after we enjoy our juice!

I have to say that the joy has been about more than the nutrition as well. My husband and I tend to juice together on the weekend and really enjoy doing it together. We also recently joined a CSA so we’d always have the local, organic, fresh veggies that we need on hand. It’s something that I crave now, and that makes me feel really great for my own health and for my baby.


Here's to finding the juice combo that is right for your body!

To your whole health + happiness! Lacy

p.s. there's still time to enroll for Group Health Coaching: Foundations of Food starting two weeks from today on the 29th of May!