Green Smoothie: Kale, Kiwi, Berry + a reminder to LIVE


Almost 10 years ago I was working at the apartment community where we lived in Austin. A little guy and his mom would frequent the office to pick up packages or just stop in on their walk for water and snacks. He was super chatty! He must have been around 5 or so? One day I asked him what his dad did for a living. He replied "My dad doesn't have a living. He just works all the time." Last week in the midst of technical issues (my track pad stopped working and I realized just how much time I spent with my MacBook, might as well be my third arm) that squeaky little voice popped into my head and I was once again reminded to LIVE!

I slowed down and made my free time really count. I listened to Einaudi and Beethoven. I talked with the neighbors. I made art. I talked with Cliff. I meditated. I showered twice a day some days just because it felt good to do it. I said hello to people on my run. I made eye contact with strangers. I played with Ned. I rubbed almond oil over my entire body. I made green juice. I ate simply. I delighted in the sound of the sprinkler hitting the tree leaves. We cleaned out the garage and it makes me so happy. I drank beer. I laughed. I cried. I allowed really old hurts to heal and disappear. We got to Face Time with my little brother who is in Columbia. Pure sweetness! So many moments that truly moved me. So many moments of pure presence and sensation... just LIVING.

I feel like things are always happening in our favor, that right action is always taking place in our lives. I believe that life is happening for you not to you. Of course there are moments that suck. Those moments are for you too. There are strings of days where you want to scream or cry or both. For me, this last week was an opportunity to slow down and absorb all that surrounds me. I didn't force myself to feel better or to feel anything at all. I just sat with it. And sitting with it was all that I needed.

Where ever you are today I hope you'll take the opportunity to slow down + just sit with it. Wishing you love, wishing you peace, wishing you whole health!

xo, Lacy

p.s. Here's a sweet new smoothie recipe to send some loving goodness into your beautiful body!

purple divider

Kale, Kiwi + Berry Smoothie

*Gluten-free *Dairy-free *Vegan

Serves: 2

Ingredients 12 oz Almond Milk (you could also use Orange Juice) 2 cups kale (remove center stalk) 2 kiwi (remove skins) 2 cups frozen fruit (I used 1 cup strawberries, 1 cup blue/blackberries) 1/2 lemon, squeezed 1/2 frozen banana


Blend almond milk (or OJ) + kale til smoothie. Add rest of ingredients and blend again! Enjoy!