Hey Sugar!


I AM SO EXCITED to announce my first e-course! THIS has been ruminating in my heart + mind for so long. When I first rolled out my website I optimistically created an e-course page knowing that one day when the time was right it would be filled with content. Well, happily THE TIME IS RIGHT (and so is the price)! All the details are below and of course comment if you have any questions! 

Hey Sugar, it's time for a break!

Come join me in taking sugar out and adding sweetness into your life! This course is a 10-day experience where you will take small but mighty steps to get refined sugar out of your diet along side a warm and supportive community of friends from around the globe!

sweet surrender sugar detox

This course is for you if:

- your sweet tooth is the boss of you. - all your will power went right out the window the minute the cupcake truck pulled up (grab me a Red Velevet, mmmkay!) - you need a little something (coffee, tea, etc) to get you through that 2 pm slump. - you feel like you need something sweet after meals. - you are struggling to lose extra lb's. - you just KNOW that it's time to change and sugar needs to go.

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions than this is just for you!

The Course:

Sweet Surrender is an experiment where practical meets thoughtful. Together over 10 days we will create a powerful foundation for abundant health and compassionate self-care by celebrating small steps and big light bulb moments on the role that sugar plays in your life!

The Details:

This is an online class. Sweet Surrender will be delivered right into your email inbox daily for 10 days. There will also be a Facebook community filled with others who are participating. It's a space for sharing + connection throughout the journey!

You Will Receive:

Daily experiments, to-do's + inspiration in your inbox each day. An invitation to the private community space on Facebook. Oodles of support + encouragement!


October 1 - October 10, 2013.




Registration is now open for the October session! Register here or click the Buy Now button below.

Once I receive your registration I’ll be sending over a message confirmation of your spot + to welcome you to class! Be sure to double check the email address you have listed in Paypal and let me know if there is a preferred address where you'd like to receive the coursework.