It's Time to Go on a Rampage!


I'm going on a rampage, wanna join me? A few of the dear women in my life have been going through a LOT lately. I guess we are all always going through a lot but you know those times when you could use a little extra love and you feel like no one is listening. No one sees you. No one can possibly feel what you're feeling. You've been there, right? Lordy, I have.

Since I'm a do-er, I decided a rampage of appreciate was in order. I Rampaged all last week. I chose 10 people that I wanted to give some love + appreciation to. I chose the first 10 that came to mind. Then picked several times throughout the day + set an alarm reminder so I didn't forget. Each time the alarm went off I sat, got quiet, took a few deep breaths and then either said aloud or wrote down what I appreciate about that person. Some felt it + called me to say 'Hey! are you thinking of me? I was feeling you!' Some never knew. Some I told. Some I sent notes to via email or snail mail.

That's it. Sweet + simple. Taking time to appreciate someone doesn't take much time at all. After it's all said and done your heart will be a little bigger + your spirit a little brighter. And that person will consciously or unconsciously have something that we all need... to be seen, appreciated + loved.

I Love + Appreciate YOU! Lacy