And the word is...

on NYE

This marks my 5th year with a word set as my intention and little touch stone to come back to and begin again throughout the year.  In yoga when you lose your breath, you take child's pose to come back.  My word will be my forehead on the mat, breath in and out of my body, the slow and steady gaze at what truly matters. 

2012 will be the year of Nourish.

I like that it's an ish word.  That was one of my favorite things I noticed when I first moved to California, people here say 'ish' a lot.  So this year, I'm having an ish year which I think insinuates a little flexibility and we could all use some of that!


  1. Provide with substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition.

This year I'll nourish my body, mind and spirit.  I'll eat life giving foods, drink more green juice and listen to my body.  I'll keep growing and learning and surrounding myself with people that inspire me.  I'll nourish my clients with support, empathy and information.  I'll nourish my relationships so they can continue to grow.  I'll nourish the Campaign for Confidence, keep spreading the word and doing the work.  I'll nourish the life-long calling to live near sand and sea as we move to San Diego and begin a new chapter.  I'll nourish my need to simplify as we downsize to a smaller home.  I'll nourish my body with beach walks, beach jogs and yoga.  And I betcha 2012 nourishes me right back with open arms, adventures, dreams becoming reality, travel, abundance, a spot on the Ellen show to talk about Campaign for Confidence, the perfect cozy-clean-accepts cats- 2 bedroom cottage near the beach (doing a little creation here :), a job Cliff loves and a deep feeling that all is right, it's all unfolding as it's meant to, that the best is now and the best is yet to come.

Let the nourishment begin!

Did you pick a word?  I'd love to hear it!

Lots of love,