answering the call


I came to Bali because I felt powerfully and unexplainably drawn here. In the three weeks I've been here so far everything has changed, shifted, lightened. It feels like my whole life has been a series of events leading me to this experience. Deep meditation lead to healing work. I cried. A lot. A first in as long as I can remember. I called out from the depths of grief. I opened up my body and as a result I've never felt more free. More light. More alive. More open. Bali reminded me how important atmosphere is for me. The combination of natural beauty and daily offerings have helped bolster calm inside of me to allow for all the good work to happen. I needed to be so far away. I needed to wander the winding streets, sweat bucket loads, eat fruit, feel the buzz of the city and then sit near the ocean. I needed to be in a place of uncertainty. I needed every bit of it.

The big question marks that characterized my first few days in Bali have been replaced with a deep peace and calm. I read back in my journal and notice how confused I was... and now I just feel compassion for her and all the striving energy.

There have been monumental internal shifts. I used to have an apartment in my heart and my belly for overwhelm and anxiety. They've gone now and a tremendous weight has lifted. I used to worry about my trachea and now I truly feel that I can heal myself. I've believed that for a long time but now I FEEL the truth of it. I know now that to truly and fully heal you MUST be willing to feel and feel deeply, truthfully and consistently. Big shifts will happen if you trust that and practice it.

punnu and lacybali2ganesha and friendsbali1

I'm seeing clearly that it's time to share all I've learned in Bali and the decade leading up to it. It's time to go deeper. It is going to be completely different from anything I've done before. The truth is that I love food and what it can do for us but the part of coaching that I am deeply moved by are those moments when we move beyond food and into what’s at the core. This is going to be all core.

It's life coaching but not really. It's health coaching but not really. It's business coaching but not really.

I'm inviting you to join me on a profound healing journey like nothing you've ever experienced. It will be powerful and unexplainable just like this trip for me. More information will be coming soon. Stay tuned!

With tremendous love, Lacy

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