::April 2014::


April Food:

I did some actual meal planning this month which is rare. I typically just buy an array of veggies and make stuff up as I go. I had an idea for stuffed poblano peppers that turned out to be SOOO delicious even though it's a multi-step recipe (I like to keep it simple). You can see that recipe here. I also created a smoothie with rose water that tastes so divine! You can see it here.


Maybe one day we'll renew our vows and I'll carry a veggie bouquet. Too much? ha!

april foodjuice april food2april food3 stuffed pablano peppersjuice buffet

April Family + Friends:

A dear friend got married and we had a blast at her wedding. There was an open bar. Our table of friends were one of the few taking full advantage. I had a tough time breathing while dancing. On the way home in the car in driving rain we talked about the possibility of going back to the doctor and it brought up SO MUCH FEAR. I wasn't ready. My body wasn't ready. All these months later and on the other side of the dilation procedure I'm seeing how necessary those early conversations were. It's so important to check in with your body every step of the way. It will tell you when it's time and you'll be better prepared for having gone through all the emotions along the way. At least that was the case for me.

summer wedding april family mema and ayden kelley birthday

Super fun family dinner at Benihana for my uncle's birthday. I wrote a post about eating out and staying sane.

love you forever, Linda

A dear friends mom transitioned and it hit close to home. Lisa wrote a beautiful post about Linda. Will you read it and send her some love?

wine list

An old and trusty wine list that lives folded in a friends wallet got pulled out at family night. Silver Oak is my favorite! Cliff and I tasted there and bought a few bottles on our engagement weekend in Napa ages ago. Best $100 bottle of wine I've ever had.

love gift. new fave mug. new fav candle

A love gift arrived in the mail. I LOVE mail! That sweet coffee mug became a fast fave and made the cut to get into the RV! AND THOSE Produce candles! The Kale one is my favorite and smells divine (it doesn't smell like kale).

movie in the park

Movie in the park with Aunt Mary. A food docu. At some point can one see too many food documentaries?

April Us:

our mornings

A moment that begged to be collected. I love that we go and get out of bed as a family most days.

matchy matchy

We were headed to get groceries and he pulls over saying, "You look just like the flowers, I have to take a picture of you with them!" Can't argue with that now, can I? :)

found moms ring

Found my mom's ring going through a box of old jewelry. One little birthstone for me and one for my sister, Kayla. Every time I look down at it I can see it on her finger.

his words to me on a tough day

His words to me on a particularly rough day. Felt like they could help more than just me.

game of thrones ritual

This is our Game of Thrones Sunday night ritual. Big beer in horns. Can't wait to see what will happen next season!

turtle rescue

Cliff rescues animals. It's one of his super powers. This little one was scooped up out of the middle of the street on our way to the track. That's his happy face, really it is.

ned so comfy

I'd really like to sleep that soundly.

April Biz:

togetherness tuesday begins

I started Drop In Group Health Coaching called Togetherness Tuesday. From the first call I knew it was going to be special but I never dreamt it would come to mean so much to me and the women who show up on that call each week. You can start and stop whenever you like. Phone line and hearts are wide open. More information over here.


Angeles made one of my quotes into a beautiful FREE downloadable poster! You can see it and all my free downloads over here.