This Magical Place

There's adventure waiting everywhere... Cody is a badass :)

Little treasures found on the beach...abandoned ship ; )

Local fruit falling from nearby trees... morning jabong

The beauty that is in every living thing... Fan Palm


This place that has brought me home to myself... daily beach walks <3

Happy on the beach... North Shore watching big wave surfers

Local food made with Aloha... Waialua Bakery speaking truth.

Meeting new friends...Happy Sunka

Quirky traditions that make me happy... Buoy Tree <3

Artisans sharing their love of the land through their work... This piece of wood is going to become my custom made cutting board! I am SO SO excited about it!  Cody will take part in sanding it putting his loving energy into it too!

Source of sweetness...Saw my first cacao tree over the weekend!


Love from Hawaii,
