New buddies! YES!


We're fast tracking it to summer and now is the perfect time to begin (or happily continue) your journey to whole health + happiness. I'd love for you to join us for Group Health Coaching!

This group is small, intimate, supportive and loving.

Do you want to be reminded that you're not alone? Do you want to lose weight? Gain confidence? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the contradictory diets out there? Are you tired all the time + want to get your spark back? Does balance feel unattainable? Or perhaps it's just within your reach but you could use a boost! Are you ready to change your relationship with food?

Dates: 4/9, 4/23, 5/7, 5/21, 6/4, 6/18 Time: Tuesday 6:00-7:00pm PST Cost: $399

Here's how it works:

In 3 months you will learn the Foundations of Food and receive the tools and support to change your relationship with food. The process is gentle and supportive. You'll find what foods work best to achieve your goals and support your body. The groups are intentionally small and you can share as much or as little as you’d like.

In addition, you’ll also receive a 1:1 coaching session with me.

What’s the time involved?

We talk every other week from 6pm-7pm PST

What others are saying:

I’m reminded that even the smallest achievement should be celebrated. I have lost 13 pounds since I started the coaching and my boyfriend has lost over 20! I’m feeling healthy and it hasn’t been too much of a sacrifice for either of us. Thank you for all your support and guidance. I finally feel like I’m starting to figure this thing out! – Amanda

Working with Lacy has changed the way I experience food and my body. Her strategic and effective approach was delivered with such loving compassion, patience and optimism that I always felt certain I would reach my personal goals around weight, health, fitness and HAPPINESS. (I’m well on my way! Thanks, Lacy!!) - Lizzy

Thank you for walking with me and the rest of this group down this path. I feel like I have a whole new world of food- primary and secondary – to explore and I am enjoying it. I do not feel a sense of deprivation, only education. I believe whole heartedly that coaching is a better investment of my time, money and efforts than anything I’ve done previously (and you name it, I’ve thrown money at it in the name of losing weight!) – Summer

Read more testimonials here.

Ready to join us?

Before I begin anything new I always ask myself... what will it cost me to participate? and what will it cost me not to?! Your time is now! Sign up here or fill out a confidential health history + schedule a free call to talk about your health concerns and goals to see if the group is a good fit for you.


Inquiring minds want to know... answering a few questions from FB this week.

what you want to know

Stephanie asked about healing foods for the kidneys...

Stephanie, Generally speaking regarding kidneys my absolute favorite way to introduce healing foods is through juice! It's delicious, concentrated nutrition that is easy to absorb and digest. Kidneys need plenty of water and water rich foods. Watermelon is the kidneys good friend! If you drink caffeine and/or alcohol make sure to drink a full glass of water for every drink that contains caffeine/ alcohol as those two alter kidney function.

A terrific juice blend for kidneys is:

1 small watermelon (I prefer to remove the rind but you may choose leave it on) 8 strawberries 1/2 pint raspberries 1 cucumber 1 carrot 1/2 bunch parsley