Enough is enough.


Dear beautiful soul, I'm writing to you from bed. Ned's curled up on Cliff's pillow next to me. Cliff is 7 days into a water fast. I'm deep in an Ayurvedic cleanse that is challenging and changing me and I'm thinking of you. I've been wanting to write you this letter for a long, long time.

These last few weeks have been big and heavy and full. One client is mourning the loss of her dear son who left too soon. Another celebrated her birthday and went through the inevitable life inventory that comes with another passing year. Another has moved from one coast to the other and is negotiating a big, new, scary, exciting city where she knows no one. Another has stopped binging and purging for the first time in her adult life. Another has finally, finally thrown away her "fat" clothes. I could go on and on. Like I said, Big. Heavy. Full.

In the midst of all that change, of all those victories and struggles each has a story of food just like you do. They are stories of donuts or cake or coffee drinks with extra whipped cream. Trigger foods. Comfort foods. Shame. Sadness. Struggle. Try and try again. Pants that fit too tight, arms or thighs or you-name-it that's too fat. That pokes fun at you when you pass the mirror.

Beloved, I'm calling it... enough is enough. It's time to love ourselves exactly where we are. To honor that we are each living so bravely. That we are unapologetic works in progress. That healing is underway. It's time to reprogram those old tapes and tales of self-loathing. We are who we are because of our suffering, our experiences, our challenges and perceived failures. We are a tribe, we are one and it's time to come together.

Ready for the truth? You've called this extra weight (physical and emotional) into your life for a reason. It will go when you do the work to release it. I don't believe in weight loss and I don't want you to believe in it either. I want you to embrace weight release because when it goes it's never coming back! You feel me? You lose things you want to find again like your keys! You let go of things you're complete with, that you never need to see or experience again.

It's time to start living in alignment with your desires. Over and over again. It's a million tiny decisions in the direction of your best life. I'm begging you, inviting you and cheering for you! Please embody the beauty that you are. Begin to see yourself with love. With conscious compassion.

It's time. It's time to start living from passion and can do instead of discipline and will power. Enthusiasm is your friend. An open heart is your ticket. Willingness will lead the way.

I know that you're in need of regular and real support. Right? Right! Could you use some practical tools to bring awareness and gain knowledge?

Are you ready to learn what's possible? To transcend all those stories you've been telling yourself? Sure you know the basics. You're totally in touch with what's healthy and what you "should" be doing. You know that veggies are good for you and cake isn't but do you know how to listen to your body? Do you know how to end the struggle? I'd like to show you how.

You've mastered what needs to be removed from your diet like soda and chips but do you know what you need to add in? And have you been able to put the chips down? Ready to? Are you wondering what vitamins you really need to be taking? And what's the deal with super foods? Are you ready to learn how to allow your intuition to lead when it comes to all things food and life?

It's time to expand your repertoire. It's time to get comfy in your body and in your kitchen. It's time to stop hating grocery shopping and your belly. Dear one, it's definitely time to stop saying nasty things to that person staring back at you in the mirror! This is going to be the education of your life. This is all the stuff we really should have learned as a child and cemented in our formative years.

It's time. To believe in you. To invest in you. To do the most worthy work of your life. To practice. To grow. It's time to Love U.

This is THE COURSE that has been waiting to be born and my heart is saying it's time. If you're ready to join me in the most worthy education of your life you can sign up for the wait list and more information here.

It's called Love University. And this letter is your invitation to enroll in the experience of a lifetime. You're going to get a Bachelors degree in Love and it's going to be beyond amazing.

The Freshman semester begins Winter 2014.

I love you. I believe in you. I can't wait to share this with you. Lacy

P.s. Join the wait list here.