Tell Your Story

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Hi! I'm Lacy and I can move mountains! Last night I sat in a living room surrounded by kindred spirits and embraced my power. With tears streaming down my face I proclaimed it, I felt it and I owned it.

My story the last 13 years has been one of a healing journey. Misdiagnosis. Surgeries. Confusion. Medications. Disempowerment. Weight gain. Seeking. Traveling. Allowing. Real food. Alternative healing. Weight release. Plant medicine. Empowerment. Connection. Spirit. All the woo. 
Last night I experienced a huge shift and a beautiful what next on the heels of the work I did in Peru last month. I am entering the next chapter and it's going to be an epic one. 
Truth is, you can move mountains too! Surround yourself with people who support your belief. Tell your story and keep following your knowings! You are so powerful and together we are mighty!

If you want more of the backstory these will take you there
#youngsinperu #thestoryofmyhealing#lacyinbali