Introducing Shift, The Workshop!

Yesterday I launched Shift, The Workshop. This one has been swirling around in my heart and mind for some time. There are so many of you who have reached out saying that you want to attend a Shift Retreat but 7 - 10 days away with little ones at home is proving to be a challenge to organize. I noted your requests, treated them like little seeds and watered them until they grew into something I could recognize - workshops.

In my last post I talked about Ideas Vs. Knowing. Offering these workshops is a knowing and specifically offering the Seattle workshop on loss is in all caps and neon, a KNOWING. I didn't realize when I scheduled it all to go live that it was my Uncle Todd's birthday. He died unexpectedly when I was in high school and our family has been indelibly changed from his transition. I had an "of course" moment as I laid down for bed last night. Of course I'd launch these workshops on his birthday. Of course I'd offer a workshop in Seattle focused on coping with loss. Of course.

Seattle is happening because of a women named Linda. She and I never met in person. She was a client for a time in the early days of group health coaching focusing on greens, beans, and grains baby! She was an early champion for my work. Her daughter, Lisa is one of my dearest friends. I will always remember a skype call where we giggled together as Lisa and I talked and Linda made Mac and Cheese in the background. It was one of those everyday kind of moments that felt special even then.

My sister, Kayla has been in touch with her psychic gifts for years but it was Linda who taught me that this gift runs in the family. I've never written about this before and in this moment I feel warm tears rolling down my face. They're a combination of nervousness, bravery, pride and gratitude. Linda has been showing up for me since just before she transitioned. I feel her. I sense her. I receive messages from her. I know when Lisa is going through something and so I reach out and then I get a message back from her saying "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Or "OMG YOUR TIMING COULD NOT BE MORE PERFECT!" It's strange. It's wonderful. It's hard to comprehend sometimes.

As these workshops were coming into clarity I could feel Linda again. She was asking me to go to Seattle, to hold Lisa, to show her how to move through losing her mother and to help her believe in her own strength as a mother of two little boys. At first I thought it was just a visit that was needed so I bought a plane ticket and spent a weekend with Lisa and her boys in Seattle. We moved some serious energy! I came home feeling so fed. And then Thanksgiving came and Lisa made her first Thanksgiving dinner and I started feeling Linda again - there were signs of here everywhere and so I said "Ooooookay I hear you. I know your girl is still hurting so badly and I promise I will do what I can when the time is right."

So here I am offering this workshop because loss is something we all know. It doesn't matter if the loss is sudden or you know it's coming. It doesn't matter the nature of the loss... a divorce, a death or something in between the sensations are like tsunami waves throughout your body. I don't pretend to know your pain or your story of what you've been through but I do know how to move emotions. I can teach you tools that will help on your journey through this human experience. It's my hope that we will come together in love and create a powerful intention for healing together.

If you feel called please join me in Seattle for Shift, The Workshop. Or in Costa Rica for Shift Retreat. And if you're coping with the loss of a parent or loved on you can read about Lisa and Linda here and here to be reminded that you are not alone.

I love you,


Shift, The Workshop is a mini retreat weekend for those who want to begin or continue doing the work closer to home.

This workshop is an intimate deep dive into conscious connection to your true self. Over the weekend we will explore concepts around shifting perspectives. We will clear old belief patterns that are no longer serving you through conversations, meditations and writing exercises. You will receive personalized insights from me along with support from the rest of the group. These weekends are tremendously loving and supportive.

Shift, The Workshop events will sell out quickly as space is limited.

I got exactly what I had hoped for.

Oh Lacy's Shift retreat... I had grand expectations going in, hoping to be profoundly transformed, and I wasn't sure what that would look like, or even if it could actually happen in one weekend. It only took about a day of Lacy challenging me out of my comfort zone in the most comforting and loving way that I found what I was in need of. Presence... instead of always moving on to the next thing. Instead of thinking about the next thing (or the next or the one after that). I was in need of BEING present. I found the calm that comes from being only where I am existing in the moment. Before Shift, I was constantly moving forward. At Shift, I was still. And this stillness was full of heart bursting open with joy, gratitude filled beauty. Through our weekend together, I learned tools to carry this with me into my daily life. I've shifted. It may sound subtle, but it was profound. I got exactly what I had hoped for. I have SHIFTED and it feels so very good.  


- EW, Saint Paul


*Seattle, WA | April 15, 16, 17


*Our work together in Seattle will be focused on coping with loss.



Friday 7 – 9 pm

Saturday 9am – Noon AND 2 – 6pm

Sunday 9am – Noon


It is important that you attend ALL the sessions throughout the weekend as we will begin building a model on Friday that will grow through Sunday.



  • Our weekend of intentional work together
  • Vegetarian Box Lunch on Saturday
  • Shift, The Workshop Workbook (available only to workshop participants)
  • Access to a growing private Facebook page (for those who attend a Shift workshop)



Airfare, transportation, room and board is NOT included in workshop weekends.

Seattle - The Palladian Hotel



  • Dress comfy and in layers. Bring socks and be prepared to remove your shoes as we will be seated on the floor on cushions or you may choose to sit in a chair.
  • Bring your favorite pen + journal.
  • Bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.



$459 early bird registration through February 15th

$499 after February 15th



Our beliefs become our thoughts
Our thoughts become our words
Our words become our actions
Our actions become our habits
Our habits become our values
Our values become our destiny

- Ghandi