Love Your Selfie

I've been encouraging my retreaters to take selfies along the way to notice changes in their faces as we go deeper into the work of the week. This is me yesterday post body work with an amazing woman named Pascale. She asked what my intention for our session was and I said to clear all inflammation, stagnation and blocks from my body especially around my heart and throat. That by the time our work together is complete I want to feel open in my heart, open in my throat, wildly free and flowing. 

What happened after that was the most profound and deepest shift I've ever felt from body work. Ever. I metaphorically died and came back to life not once but twice. Old parts of me were shed, New beliefs were formed and truths realized. As I walked out of her room everything was brighter, I noticed animals everywhere -- Lizards, birds, monkeys, gorgeous bright red bugs -- I felt a sense of belonging in a way that I've never felt before. I was not just a visitor in a new land... I am them. I am the land. I am.