Inside The Kaleidoscope

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Woke up this morning, looked in the mirror on the airplane and said "its so nice to see you." After a month of travel I'm more me than I've been since I was a tiny human. This trip was the best impromptu decision I've ever made. Ever.

I cried so much I thought I'd never be able to stop. But when I did finally stop incredible peace was in the space where so much pain used to live. I reconnected with my Divine. I healed my body and am in awe of what I feel shifting and mending inside. I met truly kind people along the way (including a new forever friend) who blessed me with their generous, bright-eyed smiles. Life will never be black and white again. It's all saturated color and living from the center of truth from here on out. 

Thank you for coming on this journey with me. I love you with all of my burst-wide-open-heart.

 p.s. Just landed in Moscow and it's snowing!