I am finding peace.

Dear Lacy! 

I wanted to share with you that things are going really well. I know we only officially had two sessions but wow, you are a powerful woman. THANK YOU for the bottom of my heart. You are wonderful!

My outlook has changed the last few months - I honestly no longer worry about work, which is such a huge step for me. It's hard to believe after all this time that I can do this. I have found myself to be much happier to deal with and I feel better about coming to work. I know it's a means to an end. I no longer check my email at home, etc and it feels very empowering. 

I have tried listening to the whispers and I am finding peace. I also believe that immersing myself a simplistic lifestyle has had a profound effect. I am finding that having fewer clothes, fewer food choices, fewer "to do lists" - is all really helping to delve deep into what I want. I've found a renewed interest in reading - which I had no idea I missed so much. And I feel like my libido is finally starting to kick back in. Who knew that being so stressed and unhealthy could impact so many areas of my life and body!

Thank you for being such an inspiration and wonderful woman. I truly admire you and all the work you do. You were the shining star I needed. THANK YOU!!!  

With love and gratitude,