Food or meditation? Or both?

Dear Lacy,

We met in the laundry mat last week. I am the one who geeked out at recognizing you and your RV from Instagram! Thank you for being so gracious and for listening to my prattle on about my increasingly intense desire to start my own business and go to nutrition school like you did. There was something else I wish I'd asked you about before we left... I'm wondering about your retreat. Are you going to do any talking about food or will it all be meditation based? 

Thank you again for your kindness and be safe out there on the road,


Dear T,

It was so nice to meet you. I'm still giggling over it. I did smooch Ned and tell him he was insta-famous at your request. He was only moderately amused. I'm so excited for you and all that is ahead for your life and career. I hope you'll keep my updated as you take the leap away from the green of banking and the green of life as you put it! Your story is going to inspire SO MANY! You can do it! YOU CAN DO IT!

To answer your question, yes there will be some food work involved in the retreat. We will be eating a vegetarian diet all week. For some that will mean the best meals ever and for others it will be an intense detox. I will be talking about detox, what to expect, how to best manage along the way, etc. Consciousness work comes in all forms and food is an excellent and accessible pathway for most of us. I'd say the retreat will be like 80/20. 80% meditation and elevating consciousness and 20% food and elevating consciousness.

Sending love to you and B,
