All The Feels

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t’s ok to feel what you're feeling. It's ok to feel it deeply. It’s ok to take it seriously. It's ok to take it lightly. It's all ok.
I've offered up these three sentences as an exercise in a few Soul Care coaching calls lately. They're working really well and perhaps they could work for you too... give it a try.
Notice what you're feeling and tell yourself it's ok to feel that way. AND THEN — after you say the final sentence, that you allow yourself to feel good, notice what happens. Your body will typically give you a simple cue as if to say --- HEY here's what you could do right now to feel good.
Maybe you notice that you're thirsty or you've had to pee for hours and have been holding it. After you say those magic words, "I allow myself to feel good." See what comes up for you and then take some inspired action on your own behalf. And seriously - don’t wait so long to pee.
You've got this. You are never alone in this life. You are more supported than you know. I love you.