Go Confidently!


Ages ago Cliff and I chose photos of each other and frames for our bedside. The frame he chose had a Thoreau quote. I never understood why he chose it but last week at the renewal retreat it hit me like a million love arrows! A guy at the retreat, Dave (Jersey guy and a total love, he could easily become one of my favorite people) asked if anyone reads Thoreau + Walden and said that a particular quote struck him. He went on to say he had no idea why he was sharing this but he was just going with it. He was reading the quote from the frame on Cliff's bedside table! Everything inside of me went flush and then cartwheels and confetti inside. I was bursting with "HOLY CRAP HE IS SAYING THIS FOR ME!" That moment was for me to get it, to truly take it all in and I did.

Cliff has been manifesting for me, dreaming for me, rooting for me all along. All these years. I'm completely overwhelmed by this and so much love that has always surrounded me. I was just too busy, too stressed out, too everything to stop and notice. It was one of the biggest ah-ha moments, maybe ever.

I always knew intellectually that I was loved but to feel it in my body, to feel it to my bones just knocked me off my feet. The frame reads, " Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Life the life you've imagined." Side bar: I think it's totally cool that the image in the frame is of me in the airplane with a headset on and now I'm perusing learning to fly helicopters! Happy accident? I think not!

henry david

On the last day of the retreat Dave handed me a book. As I flipped through I found he'd marked the quote. Pretty awesome! Pretty freggin awesome!

To getting it! Lacy