Beach Treasure

This was my beach find yesterday.  It felt like a little gift left there just for me to delight in.
Each day the beach is new.  
Each day the sand is open to being molded and shaped by the flowing water.
The sand doesn't judge or get angry with the change in tides.
It just is.  
And it's perfect. 
May we all be just like the beach, flowing like water and willing to be molded like sand.
Wild love and huge gratitude!

Life in Hawaii_3rd installment.

Week 3 and I've lightened.  I've found my groove of a daily routine with balancing work and this island life.  
I love the light here.  I love the tropical fruits literally falling off the trees and the mango growing right outside our window.  I love the view from my air mattress (did you just giggle a little? me too) and the way I can hear the crashing waves when I go to sleep at night.  I love the ocean, the beach... I love the beach SO much.  I go there every day and drink it in.  It's my lunch break.  It's where I read.  It's where I walk.  As Cliff would say "it's the warehouse" where peace is stored.  
I've been doing yoga to The Cinematic Orchestra.  This one is my favorite.  It's kind of a sad song-- I guess-- but I don't feel sad when I listen to it.  I just feel in touch with how I'm feeling.  It's just so soulful and at the moment since I don't have a literal home of my own I'm very aware of how I've come to find home within myself and finally... finally I don't feel alone.  I actually look forward to spending time with myself.  

Three weeks into the journey I'm finding more and more things to be grateful for.  I wake up each morning and list them all off in my mind, sometimes I sing it like a 3 year old saying her prayers.  Some mornings it's pickles, sunshine, and my effortlessly wild curly hair and others it's my husband, my Rachel, my Ned, my family.  A lot lately it's my sister and the connection we have despite the distance.  There's this magic in her as she's growing a little life inside of her with the authenticity and humor that can only be translated through her words. 
I'm writing lots.  I'm reading lots more.  I'm watching documentaries that are stirring ideas and growing inspirations.  I'm walking next to, sitting by and spending time with the sea.  Generally all that translates to spending massive amounts of time with myself... And it's all moving right along.  And I'm finding that in the silence when all is stripped away and I face myself-- I love this girl staring back at me very much.  I love her passion and desires.  I hear her little whispers and I believe in her dreams.  And for the first time the bright future is not so much the focus but just this one little present moment.  Just this one right now.  And now this one.  And it's all perfect.  
Love from Hawaii!
Thanks for following along with me on the journey and for sending your love. 
I've felt it and I'm grateful for it. 

Status Update_Hawaii week 2

I'm watching More Business of Being Born.  Women are so very mighty!

It's a hot one today, almost no wind.
I've found my stride here in Hawaii.  Pretty proud that I finished reading my first book since being here.  I should say that I read like 4 and 5 books at one time.  Always just pick up the one that is calling to me.  
Green juice + good North Shore surf report this morning moved my little brother to song.  It was awesome to witness.   

I've already been to the post office and back and ll be headed to the beach soon. Got a package from my love with a Brita water pitcher and swifter, I've NEVER been so happy to filter water and clean the floor! You think I'm kidding!  There is happy white tile delight happening over here!  
Note to self, load photos from last week from the big girl camera.  Though I am taking almost everything via my iPhone which is SO freeing!  
SPF I love ya

The llamas down the street are really starting to love tolerate me. Cool.
And they're patriotic. Also cool.

I swing here
Cody described our latest yoga/massage/guided stretch session as void of ego and source of love.
best. compliment. ever.
Not a great photo of me and hardly matters given the amazing valley!  
You can get in touch with the land so easily here.

 Wind blown. Happy. Chased my hat into the ocean later this day to save it!
The trade winds mean business!    

Waiting on the bus.  
Two bags =  $75 full of organic produce that will last almost a week. 
Amazing how expensive it is here.
4.69 for kale. it's usually 1.50 - 1.99 at home in Cali.
 Lizard. They're everywhere.
Best bus stop view on the planet.  Best one I've ever seen anyway.

 Iolani Palace.
Banyan trees. Just love them.

Center of the St. Capital. The floor outside.

 Met Chanel this week.  
One of those people that gets her happiness all over you and it's brilliant.  
My awesome baby brother.  

Pounding taro plant into Poi.  Kind of tastes like a potato only sweeter.  It's good!

You can't really see the pizza but you can feel the joy!  
Pai ai pizza from our pounded poi. It was SO good! SO filling!
 Face sized flowers are best. 
My sea glass collection is bitchin.  Just saying. It totally is. 

Off to the beach! 

Life in Hawaii

Saturday was 1 week that I've been living in Hawaii.  It's raining now as I type this. I'm grateful for the rain to break up all the perfection of sunny beach days.  Obviously there's not anything wrong with a perfect Hawaiian sunny beach day but the rain is a nice little reminder that this is real life and it's always changing.

This is Oakley.  He lives next door and visits us often.  
He thinks he is a lap dog and his favorite toy is a coconut.  He's a big love.

I've been cycling through the feelings and emotions of living out of my comfort zone, away from the familiar, away from my love, my Ned and the day-to-day conveniences like Whole Foods and my car.  It's all part of the process and after only a week I'd say I'm knee deep into it.  Some days I'm so joyous with my morning green juice in had singing and dancing around the place that I sort of annoy myself.  Some days I'm so sad I'd like to face plant into a chocolate cake, wash it down with a bottle of champagne all while watching some ridiculous romantic comedy.  I'm just going to go with the it's a full moon explanation. You feel me, right?  
This is the daily look now.
Beach hair, no make up, lotsa SPF- building a base tan over here folks.
I'm getting used to life with two men (who I want to call boys but they're definitely men) and super considerate ones at that.  The living arrangement is pretty effortless and we all pull our weight to keep it harmonious.  
I took the bus into town last week with the help of twitter!  Lehua of The girl and boy was born and raised here and helped me find my way.  It was just as easy as she said and reminded me why I love twitter so much!
The local nanners are small and amazing.  They are actually the perfect size for smoothie making.  Cliff would love them -he's always breaking the bananas in half.  Little things like this feel kind of like going to see a funny movie alone.  It gets really good and you naturally turn to your side to laugh with your person only they're not there.  It's not as dreary as that sounds, I'm getting used to the space--just noticing these kinds of moments. 

The big highlight so far has been the arrival of our juicer! 
Which I carried a mile home from the post office. 

And these are my days... walks on the beach, exploring, reading, enjoying me time.  
All of these are from my phone.  I've been really loving posting to instagram.

This is the end of our street. Seriously amazing.

I've started a sea glass collection and it's my favorite collection ever. 

 I sat and twirled here in an all out downpour yesterday.  
I was the only one on the beach. There was sideways rain and it was so much fun!
Sending you love from Oahu!

Eating Simply

This is what a local avocado looks like here in Hawaii.
They are H U G E and the best tasting buttery avos ever.
My intention while I'm here is to eat simply, use what we have, nothing from a box, nothing processed.  I already eat a fairly clean diet at home BUT we still eat out and then there's the occasional baked treat from Whole Foods or bar of organic sea salt chocolate that I just had to have.  It all adds up and taxes the system!  I've been here since Saturday, creeping up on a week now and I've definitely noticed the changes in my diet.  A bit of a detox the first few days via a headache and my bowels letting me know something has changed but now it's smooth sailing... I feel light and satisfied.  It's all one big experiment on getting outside my box and into a life I create of whole foods and happiness.  It's about making the change from choosing the healthy foods b/c you know it's good for you (but you would much rather have the sweet thing, fried thing... you can fill in the blank there) to choosing the healthy foods b/c it's what feels best in your body.  It's a journey worth embarking on.

This is what the avo became.  Filled w/ quinoa, a dollop of hummus, carrots, arugula and a little balsamic and garlic mac nut oil (SO good).  This meal lasted longer than any steak n taters I've ever eaten growing up.  I was literally full and satisfied through dinner.  I ended up just having a few oil-cured black olives for dinner and called it a night. 
Happy Eating!  Happy Thursday!

Settling in.

Hello on this Hawaii Monday!  Here's a wee update on the first few days and photos of the Volcom Pipe Pro happening on North Shore right now.  We went yesterday and I got a few awe worthy photos! 

 this is a couple of guys on their way in... the power and speed of that water is AMAZING. 

On home:

I've been in Hawaii for 2 nights now.  My little brother Cody and his roommate Phil have generously opened their home to me while I'm on this journey.  It's a roomy 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment above a garage.  I'm sincere when I say roomy and I'm grateful when I say above the garage.  From the living room you can see the ocean and from the bedroom you can see the mountains.  This is the happiest I've ever been to share a bathroom with two men and a first to share a bedroom with two men (sounds so scandalous, it's definitely not).    
You can hear the ocean waves crashing from here.  Need I say anything more?  
I woke up this morning to Phil snoring and the roosters crowing at 3:30 am.  There are chickens and roosters EVERYWHERE on the island and the crowing is a 24-7 kind of thing.  One starts and then the next as if they all want to be heard and they all want their cock-a-doodle-do to matter.  I can understand that.  I'm hoping that as I get settled in I will hear them as part of the background noise.  
Before I came Cody said I could sleep on the floor between him and Phil.  The reality is much less severe than the photo I had in my head.  I could just see one of them needing to get up to pee in the middle of the night and tripping over me or forgetting I was there and stepping right on my head just like Ned does.  I have a feeling sleeping on an air mattress for more than a weekend is going to come with some good stories.  
On locals:
I am my father's daughter.  I make small talk with strangers.  It's almost a sickness really.  Walking on the beach I ask if the fish are biting and before I can even complete the sentence they say NO as if their lives depend on it (and maybe their livelihood does).  I'm certain they think I'm going to come and steal their fishing spot.  Yeap, can't you just see me pulling a telescoping fishing pole out of my bathing suit and plopping down next to them.   Little do they know, they're safe as it's ever going to get with me.  Fishing is not on my list of life loves.

On food:
I'm finding it near impossible to find organic veggies here and I'm grateful that I splurged to pay the fee (which was nearly as much as my plane ticket) to get my suitcase of my favorite organic staples and my super handy dandy bella cucina blender here.  They're all saving me and making it really easy to stick to my plan of eating simply--- nothing from a box, nothing processed while I'm here.  Wed/ Thursday this week I'll take the bus to the farmers market and see if I can find some decent produce. 
Wondering what was in the suit case?
beans... several kinds of lentils, black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans all in mason jars (my fave way to store things lately)
grains... amaranth, quinoa, millet
spices...cinnamon, Himalayan salt, black pepper, cumin, coriander, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom
I kind of sound like I came over on a boat like an early traveler... packing my prized grains and spices.  ha! Ok let me modern it up for ya... I also brought my bella cucina blender (my fave for smoothie making lately), olive oil, maple syrup, agave necter, braggs liquid aminos, hemp seeds, cacao nibs and powder, mint tea and my fave brown rice, barley and daikon radish seeds blend (from Trader Joes).
I hope you're off to a wonderful start this week!  I'm off to snorkel across the street and then back home for coaching calls.

Love to you,

From Baby Seal to Navy Seal

Serious counting down now... it's Thursday and I fly in two more wake ups.  Cliff says this trip is like bootcamp for our marriage.  I agree.  I've run the gamut of emotions.  There were big alligator tears last night as we laid in bed talking about what it will be like-- about missing each other.  About loneliness and the difference between being alone and being with yourself.  Sweet realizations too that to truly be together you have to be ok with being alone.

The being alone part is a first in my adult life.  So this is my journey and I'm embracing it fully.  I'll go to the rock in the middle of the ocean and sit in the sand.  I'll read books.  I'll hike.  I'll let peace rush in.  And when the time comes that peace fills my body, mind and spirit so completely that longing has no place to live I'll know it's time to come home.

<3, Lacy


This is the year of nourish and with it some radical change is coming.  Radical meaning dramatic and radical in the 80's sense meaning totally awesome. 

I'm embarking on a journey.
I'm packing light (which is new). 
I'm planning to sleep on the floor for a month or two (also new).
I'm buying a one way ticket (new again).
I'm going alone (you get it by now, all this is new, new, new).

I'm headed out on an adventure to Hawaii!  To do some good work. To create space.  To go with the flow of my life.  To spend time with my kind of nature- sand and sea, mountains to climb and paths to walk down barefoot.  To warm up!  Oh how I am cold to my bones and I know it's not even really truly cold here.  No, I'm not having a crisis (though I can see how you'd think so).  I am clearer then I've ever been.  I could see myself walking on that plane with my bag before I ever had the words to say out loud. 

The universe has been sending me all kinds of little thumbs up lately.  I love it when these kinds of things reveal themselves!  It always makes me think of Fools Rush In and how the 'signs are everywhere' (hot dog stand anyone?  No, just me with the B movie/ romantic comedies?)!

What I know is that life is now.  You get to make a choice how you live it each and every day.  I'm listening to the whisper inside.  I'm brave.  I'm open.  I'm inspired.  I'm equipped. 

My work goes where I go so why not--- I can take coaching calls from the beach and actually I plan to!  As my own walking, talking billboard I've created an authentic life.  I'm always saying how badly I want to live at the beach and so now instead of just saying it, I'm doing it.  I'll be living RIGHT across the street from the beach!  It makes me giddy actually.  The power to create the life you you want live is at your fingertips, in your heart and in every word you speak.   

I'll be spending some time in the Hawaiian country.  Time to experience culture and community.  Time to live more simply.  Time to fill the well and gather up inspiration for what comes next for Campaign for Confidence and for health coaching and beyond! 

Cliff is on board 100 percent.  He's looking forward to the time too.  Time for him to work on writing his book.  Time for us to remember who we are as the people on the other side of the '&.'  Yes we're married but we don't breathe from the same lung.  Admittedly, I forget that from time-to-time.  This will be an excellent reminder of who we are, who we want to be, what we see for the future and how it all fits together.  Like a marriage cleanse with wonderfully long email love letters on what we're experiencing. 

My big ole jet plane takes off January 28th. 
I'll be posting updates on my adventure each week!  I am excited to document the journey here and share it with you. 
